Universe Sandbox v25.1 Early Access-I_KnoW
Release Description:
Universe Sandbox is a physics-based space simulator that allows you to create, destroy, and interact on an unimaginable scale.
It merges real-time gravity, climate, collision, and material interactions to reveal the beauty of our universe and the fragility of our planet.
Universe Sandbox includes the desktop version and a VR mode with support for the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift+Touch, and Windows Mixed Reality.
Why Early Access?
- Universe Sandbox is in active development, but it’s already a fully-featured, stable, and smooth-running space simulator.
- We’re proud of what we have to show, and we know many fans are eager to explore and experiment with the universe.
- We’re constantly working on features, improvements, and bug fixes, and we release frequent updates.
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
- It’s hard to give an accurate estimate. Building a universe simulator is a job that’s never complete.
- We have a long list of features and improvements that we’re very excited about implementing, and which will keep us busy for a long time to come.
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
- Some of the features and improvements we’d like to add:
- Space megastructures
- Basic life simulation
- Support for custom models & textures
- More dynamic terraforming & improved climate simulation
- Missions & objectives
- Steam Workshop support Sharing sims on Workshop now included
- Achievements
- Language localization Support for 20+ languages now included
- Improved human-scale mode
- More intuitive VR experience with features equal to desktop version
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
- It is already a fully-featured, stable, and smooth-running simulator.
- We’ve fixed most of the serious issues and have made a lot of progress on optimizations for a range of hardware. Because it is a large-scale sandbox, though, it does have its share of bugs and could use polish in some areas.
- The VR version of Universe Sandbox is a more recent update, and we are working on adding more features and functionality to match the amount of control and fine-tuning that is possible in the desktop version.
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access? - The price will increase as major features are added in the future.
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
- We actively seek community feedback from the in-game feedback as well as from our forums and social media.
- Community feedback helps us prioritize our long list of planned features and focus on fixing the worst bugs and issues. We make an effort to address every issue that comes our way.
- We also add simulations and features based on community requests, like the addition of custom-colored planets, and an index for the likelihood of life on planets.
- We recently added support for sharing simulations on Steam Workshop. In the future, we hope to also support custom models and textures to open up even more doors to the community’s creativity.
Genre: Casual, Indie, Simulation, Early Access
Developer: Giant Army
Publisher: Giant Army
Release Name: Universe.Sandbox.v25.1.Early.Access-I_KnoW
Size: 1.1 GB
Links: STEAM | NFO | Torrent Search